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Special Delivery! Stuffed Animal for Child in Foster Care


Yesterday HelpIs received a request from a social worker for a very particular stuffed animal to send in a care package for a young teen in foster care who is currently hospitalized.

The social worker knew the teen’s favorite animal was her brother’s golden lab puppy. The children are placed in separately, and she is missing him a lot. Due to covid restrictions no visitors are allowed at the hospital. Being in a strange

hospital alone is so scary!

Thanks to all of the donations to the teddy bear drive by Lorie Miller Glantz, we had a big, beautiful stuffed dog that was perfect for this young lady!

Within an hour of the request the stuffed animal was delivered to the hospital along with other comfort items. The teen called her social worker to tell her that the stuffed dog made her feel happy on a very sad day. Thank you for helping HELPIS bring comfort to children who need a little extra care! — with Joyce Deliyiannis and 2 others.


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